From websites dedicated to funny—and definitely off-color—jokes about the, uh, shortcomings of men, to USA Today articles bemoaning the lack of men attending church on Sundays, to ladies in the mall who snarl at guys who open doors for them, it seems that hating on men is the thing to do. Maybe there is some truth to the sentiment that good men are of a dying breed; perhaps, as more women have stepped up socially and professionally, more guys have spent all day sitting on the couch playing Call of Duty.
But it's unfair to criticize men without also noting the great things that they do for us. I've been blessed to have great men in my life—my dad, grandpa, brother, uncles, teachers, cousins, coaches, and friends—who have shown me what real men look like.
So while it's easy to complain about how they burp, don't wash the dishes, and leave the seat up, let's not forget why we love them.

They spend less time in the shower, leaving all the hot water for us.
Their hairy legs make ours look better.
They don't really care if we gain 5 pounds (but gain 15 and watch out!)
They never ruin our binging by saying, "Ugh, I wish I could, but I'm on a diet."
They don't PMS. Or if they do, they can't use it as an excuse.
Men's cologne smells good.
They don't get as caught up in drama.
They might not notice our new haircuts, but they don't notice all our pimples either.
They don't cry as much as us.
They open doors.
They pay for dinner and a movie.
They don't have annoying, high-pitched voices.
They don't care if our Coach bags and Burberry scarves are fake.
We don't have to try too hard for them to find us attractive.
They give up their seats on the subway.
They drop us off at the door, and then go park the car.
They aren't afraid to make decisions.
They always eat our leftovers.
They don't take a long time to get ready.
All they need is chips and a football game to be content.
They kill spiders for us (sometimes).
This guy knows how to get it done. |
They heat up the car for us.
They mow the lawn.
They know how to change our oil.
They can reach things that we can't.
They lift things that are too heavy for us.
With a new haircut and a quick shave, they look like they just had a makeover.
They give up their jackets/sweatshirts for us.
They carry our bags.
They let us cry on their shoulders.
They show off to get out attention.
They can lose weight quickly.
They are impressed with our gracefulness.
When we kayak, they like to paddle so that we can rest.
They make us feel safe.
They can paint their chests at sporting events . . . without getting arrested.
They give us foot rubs.
They can fix stuff.
They walk on the windy side and the side closer to traffic.
They like to drive so that we can kick our feet up on the dashboard and relax.
They take up less closet space.
They give us piggyback rides.
We don't have to dress up to impress them.
They carry our purses.
They pack less when we go on vacation so that we can pack more.
And then they carry our bags.
They hold the umbrella.
Their deep voices sound better for theater, public speaking, and broadcasting.
Make them nachos and they think that you're Gordon Ramsay.
They aren't as absolutely psycho as we are.
They buy us roses and chocolate; we buy them a card.
They bus us diamonds; we buy them a sweater.
They don't freak out at the sight of Justin Bieber, or any other person they haven't seen in about 3 hours.
They don't need three friends to accompany them to the bathroom.
Athletically, they can do amazing things that girls just can't. Seriously, when was the last time you saw a woman throw 95 mph or take off from the foul line and throw one down with two hands?
They pump our gas.
They love to barbecue.
They shovel the driveway.
They don't spend money on makeup and hair supplies.
They don't play mind-games; when they're mad, they tell us.
They pick us up from the airport at 3 AM.
When it's 15 degrees outside, they scrape the snow off our windshields.
They watch The Proposal and The Notebook with us.
They look great in hats.
So, sure—men refuse to ask for directions, forget our birthdays, and can't multitask to save their lives—but that's because they are different from us. Certainly some men become 2nd-grade teachers and some women are presidents, but in general, males and females were created with different strengths and weaknesses. Equality doesn't necessarily mean the same.
Men aren't perfect, but they do a lot of great things that go unnoticed. Of course, some women do these things and some men don't, but how many times has another woman given up her seat for you on the subway?
As Flannery O'Connor said, "A good man is hard to find." So if you have been blessed with great men in your life, let them know that you are thankful for them. Don't take the little things for granted. Let them know that you appreciate everything that they do.
Then maybe we can still harass them about leaving the seat up . . .
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